Wednesday, September 29, 2010


We're getting close to finishing the tracking for The Man With Guns For Arms, Follow the Earth's first full length LP, and full in length it is. A blistering, yet aloe-soothing, two hours of music.

I've been really interested in creating textural soundscapes and ambience, and I found this recording process as a good template to experiment with that. For one song, "In the Wake (Of the Reoccurring Glory of God)", I put the majority of my pedals to work. I recorded one solid take throughout, using my Digitech Hard Drive Reverb pedal (set to a well delayed reverse effect) along with my Digitech Bass Synthesizer pedal (on a wha-type setting, low sensitivity), the Electro-harmonix Bass Big Muff (Set on dry, with Volume at 1 o'clock and Tone and Sustain both at 2), and movement with the Ibanez wha pedal throughout. I'm really pleased with the results. Hopefully either this week's paycheck will see my purchasing of Electro Harmonix's new Sustain Pedal, called Freeze. That, or their Phaser pedal, I haven't decided yet.

As far as our schedules go, it's been pretty hectic. I work in the morning from 6-2 monday through friday, Andrew works basically every day from 3-10ish, and Brandon and Shane both work graveyards, typically 10-7. So the majority of the second disc has come about rather distant from each other. Andrew and Brandon recorded most of their parts together, and I came in to do my parts seperately, because I have a rather strict, self critical curfew. It has been coming together really well though. We have some natural soundscapes and ambience we'll include near the end, then the brutal mixing process, mastering, then completion. And I'm still trying to figure out some appropriate artwork for this beast. Stay tuned...

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